12 Months of Fundraising: Creating an Annual Development Plan

California Lutheran University - Oxnard Center 2201 Outlet Center Drive, Oxnard, CA, United States

About this event Every fundraising activity requires time and resources. Balance out the yearly workload and cashflow with a thoughtful development plan that progresses from month to month. Engage donors with mission-driven fundraising that invites their philanthropic support. Workshop participants will create an annual plan that incorporates different types of fundraising and flows smoothly over […]

Center for Nonprofit Leadership – Get Ready for a Capital or Comprehensive Campaign

California Lutheran University - Oxnard Center 2201 Outlet Center Drive, Oxnard, CA, United States

About this event A Capital or Comprehensive Campaign is an exciting and important undertaking in the life of a nonprofit organization! But is your organization ready? Do you have the organizational capacity to support this effort? Are your staff and volunteers ready to take on this major project? How will a campaign impact your organization’s […]

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