Their Vision
Originally established in 1798, Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside, California, was considering a renovation to significantly improve one or more facilities. Modernization would provide a more comfortable and functional space for the eighty-seven active and thriving ministries, thousands of parishioners engaged in religious education programs, overflow masses, and parish celebrations. Netzel Grigsby Associates was retained to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate an achievable campaign goal, to determine diverse stakeholders’ image of the parish, challenges and opportunities to strengthen the parish, and elements essential to successfully raising sufficient funds for the project.
Our Strategy
The feasibility study conducted by Netzel Grigsby Associates included a review of the cost elements provided by the parish and its contractors, along with the development of a project budget pro forma to validate the required fundraising goal and to ensure that all anticipated direct and indirect costs were incorporated into the budget. A case statement was written and refined to communicate with parishioners in English and Spanish about how facility improvements to St. Francis Hall would improve their beloved parish and better serve the wider community. Based on the results of the study, a major gifts campaign was recommended with a goal of $710,000 dollars, and a customized campaign plan with a structured timeline was developed.
Success Together
Today the Mission San Luis Parish is flourishing, welcoming all parish members and the extended community into a St. Francis Hall that is fully functional and thriving. With the upgrades and renovations, older parishioners can see and hear what’s happening, and multiple activities can occur without disruption. Larger groups can now be comfortably accommodated, with accessible parking and new facilities. Perhaps even more importantly, representatives of all ethnicities in this diverse parish have a sense of pride and ownership in knowing that they stepped up and worked together, guided by Netzel Grigsby Associates, to accomplish the parish’s goals. By following the campaign plan and by working together in a systematic manner, more than $786,000 was raised, representing $76,000 beyond the established campaign goal. Through the guidance and leadership of Netzel Grigsby Associates, many parishioners who had never before been involved in fundraising, learned how to implement proven practices in a culturally respectful manner—and found that they work! This campaign not only surpassed its official fundraising goal, but established a firm foundation for fundraising that will enable the parish to expand and grow for many years to come.

“Thank you Netzel Grigsby! Your dedicated team made our dream of ‘St. Francis Hall: A Space Renewed’ come true! Your professionalism and expertise made our financial goal a reality. I am filled with gratitude and will use your firm for future projects!”
- Fr. Vincent J. Mesi, O.F.M., Pastor, Mission San Luis Rey Parish