Amy J. Epman, Executive Vice President & Director of Strategic Communications and Research
Amy Epman is executive vice president and director of strategic communications and research. Amy helps nonprofit organizations establish a bold vision for greater impact that is grounded in thoughtful planning and shared through creative storytelling.
Amy specializes in strategic communications and case development for major fundraising campaigns, organizational and financial development planning, and campaign feasibility studies and assessments. She also has extensive experience with foundation relations and grant writing, research, program development, and marketing and public relations.
Amy applies her curiosity, critical thinking and creativity to discover the distinctive qualities of each project and create a persuasive appeal for support. Most recently she secured grant support for Lincoln Training Center and developed case statements for Westside Food Bank, Ventura College Foundation, Oakland Children’s Fairyland, and Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County. Her recent planning clients include Special Olympics Northern California and Blessed Sacrament Church in Hollywood.
Amy is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Greater Los Angeles Chapter, and has taught classes in writing case statements and grants for the UCLA Extension Program on fundraising.
Amy earned a master’s degree in communication management from the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

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